Coffee Experience
Investigate and compare two different situations of coffee consumption in terms of "pleasantness." Based on the positive differences between these situations, create a physical object related to coffee that enhances the coffee-drinking experience.
I want to create a functional coffee mug that brings positive emotions. The mug will have a cute design for a pleasant mood, thermochromatic pigments to change colour with temperature, and a suction cup for stability. These features ensure convenience, safety, and psychological comfort.
First situation: It’s me, Maria. I drink coffee at home during work breaks. I'm not a huge fan of coffee, but since quitting smoking, I drink it between projects. I choose simple, instant coffee because it's quick and cheap. It doesn't help me relax or enjoy the taste; it's just part of my routine.
Second situation: My grandmother never drinks coffee due to health reasons, but she always makes it for me when I visit. It's a ritual and act of caring. She brews her favourite coffee in a dzhezva, and I enjoy the warmth and love it represents. Though I'm not a big fan of coffee, the positive emotions make it seem the most delicious.